Idlewild Park
Ligonier, PA

Train at Idlewild Park

Idlewild Park is one of the most scenic amusement parks in the country. It is located well out of the cities, but not too far away. The park is geared somewhat more for children but has quite a few rides for teens and adults.

The park is owned and operated by Kennywood and their attention to quality is apparent. Much of the park and parking lot is heavily wooded and the shade is welcome on hot summer days.


Idlewild is located just west of the town of Ligonier on state route 30. Signs mark the entrance. From the PA Turnpike (I-76), take state route 711 north to route 30. Turn left onto route 30 west and the park is about 3 miles ahead on the left.

Idlewild Park
PO Box C
Route 30 East
Ligonier, PA 15658-1603

Ferris Wheel

Kiddie Turtles

Doodlebug ride in the Kiddieland

Wild Mouse

The Round Up, like so many other rides here is hidden in the trees

Close up of Caterpillar cars. The cars fully encircle the ride. RideZone has additional information about Caterpillar rides at the Caterpillar Page

Rollo CoasterThe Rollo Coaster is a junior sized wooden ride perfect for the family but still a lot of fun. It runs on the side of a hill and almost all of the ride is in the woods. The Wild Mouse at Idlewild is another great ride that. It reminds you of the Wild Mice of yesterday except with modern safety. The turns are sharp asWild Mouse are the drops. You'll be holding on when you ride this one. As with the Rollo Coaster, this rodent is also located in a heavily wooded area.

Idlewild also has one of but a handful of the remaining Caterpillar rides and one of only three with the operating canopy. Don't miss this ride.

Other notable rides include a Mangles Whip, which are falling into the endangered species category and a nice long train ride through the park. Sometimes they run two trains on this track to keeps lines (and the wait) shorter. This ride can also be used as transportation to the kiddie portion of the park in the back.

TrolleyFor kids there is Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and his Trolley car. There is a kiddie turtle ride and hand operated cars to ride.

Finally you can check out the Ferris Wheel, Tilt-A-Whirl, Trinado and an excellent antique PTC Carousel.


Rollo Coaster station

Rollo Coaster along the woods

Rollo Coaster exiting the station



The Tilt-A-Whirl sports a very flowery paint job

The Caterpillar ride with the canopy fully closed

Note the incredibly tangled trackwork of the Wild Mouse in the trees

The park's antique PTC Carousel. Note the PTC Logo.

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