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Rocky Glen Park

Photo Gallery #2

click here to return to the main Rocky Glen page

click on any thumbnail photo to enlarge

all photos on this page are courtesy of Bob Edgerton and are used with permission.

fer.jpg (49780 bytes)

Ferris Wheel
(c) Bob Edgerton

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Ferris Wheel
(c) Bob Edgerton

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Ferris Wheel circa 1958
(c) Bob Edgerton

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Ferris Wheel
(c) Bob Edgerton

chkcon.jpg (63899 bytes)

Chuck Conners appears at Rocky Glen
(c) Bob Edgerton

ckcon2.jpg (40577 bytes)

Chuck Conners signs autographs
(c) Bob Edgerton

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Rollercoaster, German Carousel & Tumble Bug
(c) Bob Edgerton

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Jet Coaster track
(c) Bob Edgerton

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Roller Coaster
(c) Bob Edgerton

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Jet Coaster
(c) Bob Edgerton

rghotrod.jpg (42771 bytes)

(c) Bob Edgerton

bug.jpg (36136 bytes)

Tumble Bug
(c) Bob Edgerton

bing.jpg (39622 bytes)

(c) Bob Edgerton

minagf.jpg (41982 bytes)

Miniature Golf
(c) Bob Edgerton

gercaro.jpg (42289 bytes)

German Carousel
(c) Bob Edgerton

swim.jpg (36119 bytes)

Swimming at the lake
(c) Bob Edgerton

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Map of the park
Bob Edgerton collection

More Rocky Glen pictures coming soon

If you have any more photos you wish to share, please send email to

 Warning: all photos are copyrighted - DO NOT COPY

Defunct Amusement Parks wishes to thank everyone listed above for sharing their information