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Luna Park
Scranton, Lackawanna County, PA

by Ralph Decker, Jr.


Jack Hiddlestone chronicles the complete history of this park in the book Scranton Luna Park. That publication is available from the Lackawanna Historical Society, 232 Monroe Ave., Scranton, PA 18510-2104. The phone is (570) 344-3841.

As such a comprehensive history exists the material on this page is somewhat sketchy. Otherwise it would be an unnecessary repetition of Mr. Hiddlestone’s work. For that reason the thrust of this page is to give a few basic facts on the park and to bring scans of Luna Park post cards to the Defunct Parks site.


The Scranton Luna Park Company was formally organized on March 15, 1906, with Major Thomas Penman as president. Penman also served on the Board of Directors of the Laurel Line, the Dunmore branch of which formed the eastern boundary of the park.

Thus from the beginning the Laurel Line and Luna Park managements were intertwined. The interurban built a station complete with platforms and a siding. Great expense (over seven thousand 1906 dollars) was incurred building a tunnel under the Laurel Line tracks. Such a precaution was necessary as the big interurban cars received their power from an exposed third rail.

continued below ...

Warning: all photos are copyrighted

Opened: May 28, 1907

Closed: 1916

Location: East side of Nay Aug Park across Roaring Brook, sandwiched between the tracks of the D. L & W. (A steam road) and those of the Laurel Line (an electric interurban)

Remains: Little - Interstate 81 now runs through the site and was being rebuilt and widened in 1988, further covering the park grounds.

Trolley Park: Yes: Scranton Railway and Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley - The Laurel Line

Book - Scranton Luna Park by Jack Hiddlestone (published1991)

Web Site -Northeastern PA Lost Parks

Bridge to Luna Park Scranton, PAHowever, Luna was one of the few trolley parks to be served not only by the interurban with which it shared management, but also by city streetcars. Strangely, from the very beginning Luna Park officials believed that most customers would arrive on the Nay Aug line of the Scranton Railway Company as service was more frequent. Additionally access could be accomplished from anywhere on the Scranton Railway system through a transfer instead of paying an additional fare to the interurban. Park management also believed that the Scranton Railway would extend its line to the Luna Park entrance. Such an extension was never to be and patrons walked one-third mile from the city streetcars to the bridge over Roaring Brook.
Luna Park Scranton, PAOne has to wonder why an interurban would back a park on its line knowing that most patrons would not use its cars to get to the park. However, such ineptness seems to have characterized the management of both Luna Park and the Laurel Line.

Entrance of Luna Park Scranton, PARides and attractions

  • Aerial Swing
  • Band Stand
  • Blarney Castle
  • Carousel
  • Circus Platform
  • Dance Hall
  • Edisonia
  • Miniature Railway
  • Photo Studio
  • Restaurant
  • Rifle Range
Entrance of Luna Park Scranton, PA at Night
  • Scenic Railway (roller coaster)
  • Scenic River
  • Scenitorium
  • Shades and Shadows
  • Shoot-the-Chute
  • Shooting Gallery
  • Temple of Mystery
  • Trip to Rockaway

Luna Park Scranton, PAClosing

A fire destroyed a portion of the park on August 23, 1906. Some rebuilding took place but a "free- admission" day of celebration oddly required a fee to be paid and the ensuing riots seemed to have sealed the park’s fate.

Bridge from Nay Aug to Luna Park in Scranton, PARemains

Interstate 81 was built through the area in the 1960’s, but some traces of the park were still visible. However, in 1998 I-81 was being rebuilt and widened. It is doubtful if any traces of the park, other than the footings for the Nay Aug footbridge, are still visible.

Luna Park Scranton, PA
Luna Park Scranton, PA

Article © Ralph Decker, Jr.
All material on this page was provided courtesy of Ralph Decker, Jr. unless otherwise noted. Used with permission. Defunct Amusement Parks wishes to thank him for the use of this material.

Defunct Amusement Parks wishes to thank everyone listed above for sharing their information