Croops Glen
Hunlock Creek, Luzerne County, PA

No photos/postcards available yet.

Opened: ?

Closed: ?

Location: Northwest of junction of Hartman Road and Route 11 in Hunlock Creek, PA

Remains: Sign, waterfall, footers, buildings.

Trolley Park: ?


Croops Glen had two roller coasters:

  • Twister - PTC/Herb Schmeck 1927-19411

  • Kiddie Coaster - Unknown Mfg 1927-19411

The Candy Floss (Cotton Candy) Stand moved to Knoebels and still operates to this day near the Galleon.2

In 1926, Knoebels also purchased the Stein and Goldstein Carousel, which of course still operates there today in Kiddieland2

One of the largest features of the park is the large waterfall inside the park3

The old and rusted Croops Glen sign could be seen for year along Route 11 just south of Hartman Road4

Defunct Amusement Parks wishes to thank everyone listed above for sharing their information