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Clown Town
Hutchinson, Reno County, KS

by Ralph Decker, Jr.

Date Opened: 1958
Date Closed: mid 1970s
northeast corner of W 17th Ave. and Hendricks St.
Remains at site:
Concession stand and tunnel/train shed
Trolley Park: No



In the mid 1950’s Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wanasek bought the land at the corner of 17th and Hendricks and built their home on part of it. They knew they wanted to do something with the rest of the land, but not until they visited friends in Tulsa and went to an amusement park there did the idea for Clown Town come to them. As both of the Wanaseks worked in the school system a business that operated only in the summers had a logical appeal.


Rides and attractions (there may have been others)
  • Miniature train
  • Pony ride
  • Jeep ride
  • Carousel
  • Concession stand

    The carousel was purchased from a carnival in Hazelton, Kansas. It had carved wooden horses.



At the end of the 1974 season, the Wanaseks sold the business to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Railsback. It is unclear if the Railsbacks operated the park in later years or not. Apparently they later sold the house to Railsbacks as well since as of 1999 they still live on the property.



The concession stand and the tunnel/storage building for the miniature train remain at the site. As of January 1999 the land to the north of the house is being subdivided and a contractor is on the premises


Resources & References

The Hutchinson News, Sept. 8, 1974.

A special thanks to the staff and patrons of the Hutchinson Public Library who shared their memories of Clown Town.

All material on this page was provided courtesy of Ralph Decker.
Thanks to him for allowing to use this material.

© 1998 Joel W Styer. All rights reserved. Updated Wednesday, February 18, 2004